Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The Virtual Customer Assistants

Banner: Everything you ever wanted to know about the Virtual Customer Assistants
We interviewed our Telemedicine Operations Manager, Amy Lopez, to answer some of the most common questions about our Virtual Customer Assistant position. She shared with us a little backstory about the department.

Amy: We started back in November 2016 with 4 refractionists. After a few months of testing, we started recruiting more people, one or two associates every two months. In July 2017, we started our growth path with four consecutive classes. And from that point on, we’ve been expanding our team.

And now, after two years, we are 140 associates in total and we plan to keep growing every month.

What does a Virtual Customer assistant do?

It’s one of our key components in this company. We give support to our optometrists by performing refractions during the eye exam process.  We assist all patients of our 120+ stores across the US.

Is a medical background necessary?

It’s not necessary because we’ll teach everything you need to know about the refraction process in eye exams.

How long is the training?

About 3 weeks.

What are the requirements?

  • Excellent communication skills. You’ll be in contact with patients and store associates, you’ll need to communicate clearly to both to ensure the best result possible and deliver excellent customer service.

  • Attention to detail. Since you’ll be doing the refraction process for the eye exam, you need to be careful with giving the most accurate result to the patient, one tiny change can alter the prescription.

  • Multitasking. Be able to manipulate the system we use while performing the refraction and explaining the process to the patients

  • A professional impression and a good attitude. You’ll be on a video call with different patients throughout the day. First impressions matter, and most importantly, remember to smile!

What about schedules?

Right now, our earliest shift starts at 8am, depending on daylight savings time. All our associates have 2 days off that can be days in a row or can be separated.

Are there growth opportunities?

Yes, the Telemedicine department is our fastest growing department at Opticall BPO. Each year, we double the number of associates therefore, we are constantly opening internal positions for QA, team leaders, and workforce.

This is your opportunity to join a family that’s always growing. Visit us and start your application process.